The Weight of a Promise

Submitted by Dan Mangus
VP, Growth & Development
Senior Marketing Specialists

A promise is your personal guarantee. As you move through your day, appointment after appointment, day after day, and year after year, you accumulate hundreds if not thousands of your personal guarantees that you have handed out. A successful career carries the responsibility to manage the weight of your promises. You have made these promises to your clients, staff, families, and yourself. If you decide to open a new chapter of your life and retire, you must find the right person capable of taking on this weighty responsibility. Here are a few questions for you to consider as to the “strength” of your choice.

Are their values and ethics as strong as yours to assure they will take the keeping of your promises to heart?

Are their finances strong enough to compensate you adequately for what you have built?

Is their dedication to ongoing education firm enough to maintain their value to your clients?

Is their business plan for your practice solid enough to stand the test of time?

The answer to these questions will determine whether your promises are kept after leaving your practice and turning your clients over to new caretakers. This is not a time for you to assume that the other person feels like you do. Ask the hard questions and truly listen as they express their intentions and capabilities. Be willing to walk away from situations that may meet only part of the promise keeping capabilities needed. To truly be able to relax and enjoy your retirement, you will need to have confidence that your successor is busy keeping the promises (guarantees) you made to all parties concerned. The right person or organization is out there. Take your time to consider the weight of your promises.

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